Romeo & Juliet

Venue: AMC Pacific Place / Palace IFC
Date: 20/28 August
Enquiries: N/A


To call Romeo and Juliet a classic story is quite an understatement, a bit like saying water adds to longevity or that it would imprudent for Hong Kong booksellers to diss the Beijing-powers-that-be.. Needless to say then, when you take such a classic and timeless tale of star-crossed lovers and trust it to the hands of one of the true giant of contemporary theatre, the result is likely to be nothing less than sublime.

With Kenneth Branagh at the helm and such legendary thespians as Dame Judi Dench, Lily James and Richard Madden, this quintessential Shakespearean play will be brought to life on London’s West End as part of a series presented at the Garrick Theatre by the Kenneth Branagh Theatre Company. Thankfully, this classic tale of forbidden love will also be screened in cinemas across Hong Kong on selected days and is sure to be unmissable. Guys looking to win brownie points with the missus should book now, but don’t tell her they both die at the end.

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