Mercedes-Benz moves forward

Mercedes-Benz unveiled its strategy for the future at this year’s Paris Motor Show: linking connectivity, autonomous driving, sharing and electric drive systems.

The company plans to restructure itself under the four pillars of Connected, Autonomous, Shared & Service and Electric Drive, also known by the catchier acronym of CASE.

Mercedes also unveiled the first stage of its new strategic direction, the concept vehicle “Generation EQ”. Based on an SUV, the Generation EQ is a close-to-production electric vehicle.

According to Mercedes, the vehicle comes with extensive infotainment features, an inductive charging capability, which requires no cable, and automated driving functions. The electric drive system has a range of up to 500 kilometres.

The German car company plans to bring together all of its electric-mobility activities under the EQ brand.

Electric cars seem to be the “it” thing at the moment.

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