Discover what the holiday season holds in store with our horoscope

MARCH 21 – APRIL 19 It’s time to sit back and relax, with your mind and body truly deserving a break after 11 months of hard work. Tie up loose ends and complete tasks at the beginning of the month, then allow yourself to indulge in a little luxurious pampering. You will thank yourself for it later. Aries of the Month: Lady Gaga (Singer-songwriter, 28 March, 1986)

APRIL 20 – MAY 20 Waves of nostalgia hit you this month, bringing back happy memories of times past. The end of the month, though, will be downright hectic, so plan ahead to stay ahead. It is also a time for romance between you and someone you suspect you should really stay away from. Taurus of the Month: Blac Chyna (Model, 11 May, 1988)

MAY 21 – JUNE 20 While this is certainly a busy month, you may find exciting opportunities opening up as you take on new responsibilities. Your belief in hard work, though, may not be helpful, with certain parties now expecting you to display a knack for leadership. You don’t want to be seen as a mere foot soldier after all. Gemini of the Month: Kanye West (Rapper, 8 June, 1977)

JUNE 21 – JULY 22 Your schedule is filling up quickly, so start being more selective or you may not have time for the truly important things. It’s okay to pass on an assignment to a colleague or to decline a Christmas party invitation from a friend of a friend. Cancer of the Month: Lionel Messi (Football champion, 24 June, 1987)

JULY 23 – AUG 22 Expect the unexpected. The universe will try to put a damper on your plans, and you may be subjected to illness, lost property, or other unforeseen circumstances. On the bright side, your confidence will allow you to set higher goals – and to accomplish them. Leo of the Month: Isoroku Yamamoto (Japanese Admiral, 4 August, 1884)

AUG 23 – SEPT 22 Playfulness and impulsiveness dominate your moods this month, signaling that it’s time to let loose and have a little fun – just watch out that you don’t sign up for anything too extravagant. A sudden burst of creativity will allow you to brainstorm a new business venture you’ve been tinkering with for way too long. Virgo of the Month: Jack Ma (Business magnate, 10 September, 1964)

SEPT 23 – OCT 22 If you’ve been feeling a little out of sorts of late, a simple fix is to take a trip or try an adventurous activity. You need the shock of the new to shake you out of that complacency. The 13th and 14th are ill-starred financially. Libra of the Month: Andy Lau (Hong Kong actor and singer, 27 September, 1961)

OCT – NOV 21 It’s time to give back to the community. You’ve been paying lip service to the idea for some time now, but a sense is creeping in that it’s all just been window dressing. Take on a real commitment with both your time and funds. The ultimate beneficiary of your altruism may actually be you. Scorpio of the Month: Lorde (Pop singer, 7 November, 1996)

DEC 22 – JAN 19 Trust your own instinct when it comes to making decisions, even if that means overhauling detailed plans someone else made long ago. Due to your heightened sensitivity at present, you may also find yourself overreacting to negative events. Remember that these issues inevitably tend to blow over quickly. Capricorn of the Month: LeBron James (Basketball player, 30 December, 1984)

JAN 20 – FEB 18 Be wary of those touting deceptively convincing quick fixes to a niggling financial issue. The cure is almost certainly worse than the malady. Wedding bells may also be ringing for Aquarians who have been in a relationship for more than a year. Aquarius of the Month: Oprah Winfrey (Television personality, 29 January, 1984)

FEB 19 – MARCH 20 Several situations are testing your patience at the moment. While the majority of them require a cool head and a wait-and-see approach, one of them will only be resolved by tactically blowing a gasket or two. The question is – which one? Choose your moment to act very carefully. Pisces of the Month: Chelsea Clinton (Presidential daughter, 27 February, 1980)

Happy birthday, SAGITTARIUS

NOV 22 – DEC 21 A well-deserved vacation is in order, but first, you must clear several hurdles in both your work and personal life. A number of new tasks appear to have your name attached, with at least one of them appearing hugely unsuitable for your skill set. Re-appraisal, though, will swiftly reveal that the challenge is not actually what it seems. Apply a little lateral thinking and employ some analogous skills and the solution will prove surprisingly simple – at least to you. Among others, your reputation for problem-solving wizardry will go up several notches.
A figure with a shared educational past will also emerge on the scene this month. Recalling the academic misdemeanors and misadventures of yesteryear may, in part, prove a little melancholic, but there’s a joy to be had too. This voyage of rediscovery may rekindle within you certain sentiments and aspirations that have been dulled by time. Turn them to your advantage with a degree of charm and joie de vivre.

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