Picture Purr-fect



Animals and fashion labels generally don’t go hand in hand, unless the creature in question seemingly gave its life so that an old lady’s shoulders might be fetchingly draped in its remains.

An exhibition by Hermes, the Paris-based purveyors of high-end style, however, hopes to change fashion’s often less than noble associations with the natural world by raising awareness of Panthera, a global charity committed to wild cat conservation.

Showcasing the work of Robert Dallet, a renowned French artist and illustrator, the brand is sponsoring Fierce and Fragile, a joyous celebration of the world’s most  iconic big cats – jaguars, pumas, tigers, lions, leopards and cheetahs.

The exhibition also features a DIY zone, a place where budding artists can try their hand at creating their own fetching feline designs.

Free to enter, the exhibition runs until 24 September at Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway.

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