Horoscope (August 2016)


RAT: Things look a little brighter this month and, indeed, this could be a fortuitous time for you. Careerwise, though, it’s slow and steady that wins the race, with help likely to be on hand from a colleague you wouldn’t normally turn to. Your health might cause you a little concern after the 17thRat of the Month: Richard Stuart Linklater, American Film Director, 30 July, 1960

OX: This is the time for you to invest. There are some funds you have kept aside until the right project comes along. It’s just about to. Don’t show your interest too early with your best poker face now in order. This time you are needed far more than you have need. Ox of the Month: Faludi Mubarak Amish, Bahraini Professional Football Player, 27 February, 1985

TIGER: Solo tigers, this is the month when you might actually be tempted to finally change your relationship status on Facebook. Your intimacy with one individual is deepening. What was just a bit of fun is now more serious. For those in relationships, temptations are high, but indiscretion has never suited you. Tiger of the Month: Kevin Tsai, Taiwanese Television Host, 1 March, 1962

RABBIT: Whether participating or spectating at a sporting event, someone else’s rash action could have repercussions for your wellbeing. On the weekend of the 20/21, a change of plan is recommended as this might see you avoid a potentially embarrassing reunion with someone you thought you had seen the last of. Rabbit of the Month: Anne Suzuki, Japanese actress, 27 April, 1987

DRAGON: Be extra careful when signing contracts this month as not everything is as it seems. Legal issues surround you, with the consequences of one particular suit far from what it might initially seem. Travel is also in the offing, with visiting a one-time favorite locale likely to stir more than just nostalgia. Dragon of the Month: Yu Goings-on, Taiwanese writer, 21 October, 1928

SNAKE: The anxiety levels associated with one particular relationship are set to soar. While it has been of concern for some time, you have always seen it as manageable, but you are deluding yourself. Unfortunately, you have little choice but to calm the situation. Extricating yourself – though desirable – would be the nuclear option. Snake of the Month: Ross Cronje, South African Rugby Union Footballer, 26 July, 1989

HORSE: Your financial prospects are well-starred this month and it could be that a significant increase in your net income is on the cards. Don’t let these monetary preoccupations distract you unduly, however. Somebody close to you has need of your attention at the moment, but is unwilling to flag up their situation. Horse of the Month: Mao Asada, Japanese competitive figure skater, 25 September, 1990

GOAT: Heart or head is your choice this month, with a real loss inevitable whichever way you ultimately commit. You could also see it, though, as a choice of two winning routes. Thank hard, though, your choice will be irrevocable and the losing party will be a stranger to you once you decide. Goat of the Month: Tie Yak Na, Hong Kong table tennis player, 13 May, 1979

MONKEY: Rein in the more out-going aspects of your personality for a few weeks at least. You are starting to get something of a reputation for being more noise than substance in certain quarters. While it suits some people to represent you in this way in terms of their own agenda, it’s best that you frustrate their attempts with a more statesmanlike approach. Monkey of the Month: Susan Woodcock, American Entrepreneur, 5 July, 1968

ROOSTER: An unexpected phone call will change the whole course of the next three months. While bad news is not necessarily in the offing, there is a surprising development that will see you faced with a tough decision. An opportunity you thought long lost will resurface, though this really will be the final window. Francis Ceridian, French Contemporary Perfumer, 14 May, 1969

DOG: There is an anniversary looming and it may be one that you have forgotten. If so, you are the only one that has. Play it down and riff on the uncertainty of others before pulling off a surprise commemoration. Recapture the spirit of that time with one special musical number. Dog of the Month: Rob Van Dam, American Professional Wrestler, 18 December, 1970

PIG: The time is right for a leap of faith. You are looking for a certainty that won’t materialize and you will have to trust to instinct and the benevolent aspect of another’s star sign to convert one particularly cherished dream into something far more tangible. Pig of the Month: Carlos Ismael Noriega, Peruvian Former NASA Astronaut, 8 October, 1959)

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