Gold Coasting in vintage motor cars

Prominent members of Hong Kong society attended a VIP Night yesterday for the Gold Coast Motor Festival, which takes place on 1-2 October.

The exclusive event featured a performance by Ginger Kwan, free-flow drinks and, of course, the opportunity to walk around and view the 60 world-class classic and collectors cars before the event this weekend.

The Gold Coast Motor Festival will have classic and vintage cars, such as American Muscle Cars, the rare Mercedes Benz 300SL Gullwing, the 1927 Pur Sang Bugatti Type 35 and the Ferrari Daytona. All of the cars come from private collections.

The festival will also transform the waterfront setting, including the Gold Coast Yacht and Country Club, Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel and Gold Coast Piazza, into lifestyle and entertainment zones, each with a different motoring experience.

Due to the popularity of the event, car enthusiasts should check ticket availability before making the journey to the Gold Coast.

Venue: Hong Kong Gold Coast
Date: 1st & 2nd October, 2016
Time: 1st October – 10am – 9pm ; 2nd October – 10am – 7pm

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