DCT’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Venue: Lyric Theatre, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Date: 30 September-16 October
Enquiries: info@dcthk.com.hk
Website: www.dcthk.com.hk

Midsummer NEW 2nd poster out

The Dionysus Contemporary Theatre brings the Bard’s Midsummer Night’s Dream to Hong Kong this month. Olivia Yan’s direction breathes new life into this lively romantic comedy, ensuring all of Shakespeare’s rib-tickling rhyming couplets can still amuse a 21st century audience.

The play sees four runaway lovers find themselves smack bang in the middle of a dispute between the King and Queen of the fairies, and, as if that wasn’t enough, a troupe of amateur actors are also there trying to rehearse a play. Between these unlikely groups flies Puck, armed only with a wicked sense of humour and a love potion capable of making anyone fall for the first person they set eyes upon. What could possibly go wrong?

Acclaimed Hong Kong actor Anthony Wong – of Internal Affairs and Hard Boiled fame – sheds his tough-cop image to ham it up in this mischievous romp.

If that isn’t enough to tempt you, the preview notes promise: “This production contains naughtiness of a sexual nature”. Standing room only or what?

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