East meets West: A crossover of Chinese art with Italian furniture

In collaboration with luxury furniture brand B&B Italia, 3812 gallery presents Art in Residence, a crossover idea that juxtaposes designer furniture with Chinese art forms.

On display at the B&B Italia flagship shop are Boundless Imagery artworks by contemporary Chinese ink artist Yu Yang, complemented by the Italian brand’s modern furniture range that is curated by colourliving.

This concept of transforming home spaces into art pieces is the brainchild of Denise Lau, director of colourliving and Calvin Hui, founder and artistic director of 3812 gallery.

Yang’s works were an organic choice for the exhibition, as his minimalist reinterpretations of traditional Chinese ink art provide the perfect backdrop for the neat, precise forms of the Italian furniture. His art captures the traditional perspective of ink paintings, while giving them a modern three-dimensional twist.

According to Lau, designer furniture and art pieces are essentially the same thing and together they shape the unique character of each home.

Hui, an expert and curator of art, expands on the idea.

“Buying a piece of furniture or hanging a painting on the wall is not enough for an aesthetic living environment, the colours, lighting, spaces and artworks need to come together for cohesive visual journey,” he said.

Exhibition period: Until 25 June

Venue: B&B Italia Hong Kong Flagship Store (333 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai)

 Text: Suchetana Mukhopadhyay

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