Review: Proof proves itself worthy as Happy Valley’s sole artisan bakery

Hong Kong’s sugar fiends are barely famished as local bakeries and chains line almost every street. However, one with a sweet tooth that longs for the sugary cakes and treats of the west would be well-advised to visit Happy Valley’s sole artisan bakery Proof a visit.


Nestled into the affluent neighborhood just minutes from the horse race-track, the Australian-owned bakery provides its patrons with not only the best of breads but also with eco-friendly dishes that come sans the preservatives and additives. Upon our visit to Proof we were immediately overwhelmed with the selection of goodies on offer, as we tried to narrow down which of the sweets outlined on the chalkboard would do best within our hungry tummies.

Most memorable was the bakery’s Cinnamon Roll which left our fingers sticky and our tongues on buttery overload. Also among our favourites was the Cheese Bretzel which provided a savory relief from the sweets, and of course the friendly explanations from Proof‘s staff and help when it came to the selections of sweets will ensure our return.

Proof., GF, 14 Tsun Yuen Street, Happy Valley, (852) 6542 9788