Tips to choose a plastic surgeon in Hong Kong

Cosmetic surgery, like any major procedure, carries potential risks and complications. For a patient to make sure they are in good hands, finding a doctor with the right qualifications, expertise and experience is essential. Here are key points to consider when searching for a plastic surgeon:


Aside from checking a doctor’s professional certifications, a patient should bear in mind that all specialists need to be registered with the Medical Council of Hong Kong which can be checked here.


Cosmetic surgeries can range from breast implants and nose reshaping to so-called non-invasive treatments, such as Botox injections, dermal fillers, and laser treatments.

According to Dr. Daniel Lee, a certified plastic surgeon and member of the Hong Kong Society of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons, not all doctors can perform cosmetic surgeries although doctors need not specialize in plastic surgery to perform non-invasive cosmetic procedures such as Botox and dermal filler injections, and laser treatments. These procedures can be performed by certain certified general physicians and dermatologists.


Seek out people who have done cosmetic procedures themselves and ask for their experience and recommendations. Alternatively, general physicians can also provide a list of practicing surgeons in the area.


A good doctor is one who will put patients’ mind at ease before, during and after the medical procedure. The most ideal situation is for the doctor and patient to discuss clearly the objectives and reasons for the cosmetic surgery and assess the way the doctor offers compassion and clear information that will manage patients’ expectations, pre-surgery and aftercare process.

Tips to pick a plastic surgeon in Hong Kong gafencu (5) cosmetic aesthetic procedure feature


Asking relevant questions can give the patient a good idea about the doctor’s experience and track record in a particular procedure such as:

  • What type of operation does the doctor specialises in?
  • How many times has the doctor performed the specific procedure?​
  • How many years has the doctor been operating?

Access to hospital facilities

Like any surgical operation, cosmetic surgery carries its own risks and complications. Even a simple procedure like Botox injections, especially near the nose, can cause blockages in blood vessels. In the extreme case that something goes wrong, the patient would certainly want a doctor who has access hospital facilities where you can be treated.



Find a qualified plastic surgeon in Hong Kong

Find useful information on cosmetic procedures