Time to Give: A charity art auction by Robert Lam and Sheen Hok Charitable Foundation


In line with the season for contemporary arts, Time to Give is a collaborative charity art auction between renowned photographer and artist Robert Lam and the Sheen Hok Charitable Foundation.

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Hosted by Robert Lam at his eclectic art-filled office-cum-showroom, about 30 vibrant contemporary artworks will be exhibited throughout the venue for the charity art auction organised by Sheen Hok Charitable Foundation. It will be a rare glimpse into the imaginative world of Robert Lam and his artistic voyage. 

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No. 2. Title: Eve apple (915x1220mm)

Unlike the stylistic photography of Lam’s earlier works, he now delves into combining photo technique and digital system. The idea behind the collection is to combine basic art theory with numeric digital technique, and merging photography and painting together in exploring colours and movements.

Robert Lam next to art piece No. 1. Title: Sunday (1210x1510mm)

“The opportunity was a very nice surprise”, Lam says. A few months ago, after having created several pieces within the collection, Lam was looking for someone to give the artworks to. “Coincidentally, I met with Professor Alice Chiu, a very good friend of mine, and we had started to discuss doing collaborative work for her Sheen Hok Charity Foundation. The title of the charity art auction is Time to Give and I am prepared to give”, explains Lam. 

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No.13. Title: Famous Singer (1200x900mm)

The charity art auction will welcome a community of star-studded guests and the city’s creme dela creme of the high society art lovers, including Professor Chiu’s personal friends and supporters of the Sheen Hok Charitable Foundation.

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No. 5. Title: Flower Dance (915x1220mm)

The art pieces are specifically for the charity art auction Time to Give. The money raised will go to Sheen Hok Charitable Foundation to help Hong Kong special education students and their families under the The Sheen Hok Rising Sun Project.

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No.14. Title: Art Deco (915x1220mm)

“I was so excited and happy when I heard that Robert was looking to give his art pieces to someone. I really needed the support from different sectors, companies and friends. In fact, some of my friends have been supporting me to help the youth in need. In addition to providing medical assistance, I hope to improve them in education and art and increase professional training, so that they will have skills to improve family incomes in the future. I think this is the right way and right direction for our foundation to contribute to society”, says Professor Chiu. “There are many people who require our help that I believe charity services will never end. I will not consider stopping, and it will never be enough.”


The private viewing will be held at the Robert Lam Colour – Photobition on 16 & 17 August 2022. All 30 art pieces within the collection will then go to auction the following day on 18 August. 


For more information, please visit www.sheenhok.org


Design Trust celebrates its 11th Annual Ambassador’s Ball

Design Trust, an acclaimed charity, just celebrated its 11th Annual Ambassador’s Ball this weekend at Kerry Hotel, Hong Kong. This year’s theme, Hyper Environment explores the relationship between the city and the countryside – a juxtaposition of technology and nature.

Ambassador's Ball

The event, which was sponsored by Prada, was officiated by the Hong Kong’s CEO Carrie Lam and other guests of honour included the Dutch Office for Metropolitan Architecture’s partners Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten who flew in especially for the occasion.   

Design Trust

“It’s been such an honour working with Prada – a name and brand that resonates with creativity and design excellence, and a pioneer who promotes and preserves art and culture with passion and commitment. It has been so empowering to work closely with OMA’s Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten – such visionaries who have brought our gala concept to an entirely new level. I know our guests are reflecting on the constantly evolving status of our city and countryside with a new perspective”, says Marisa Yiu, co-founder and executive director of Design Trust.

Design Trust

The event also included an auction featuring limited edition art and decorative objects, travel experience and more from names such as Zao Wou-ki, Zaha Hadid, Daido Moriyama, Andre Fu, Joan Miro and more.  The event was an overwhelming success, raising over HK$10.5 million, all of which is being donated to Design Trust.