Horoscope (May 2016)

monkeyRAT: Your social life will be rather busy this month. Take care not too over-commit too early, though, as better options are on the horizon. One such interaction may result in a surprise, but not necessarily welcome, reunion. Be sure to plan an escape route. Rat of the month Louis Cha Leung-yung, Modern Chinese-language Novelist, 6 February, 1924

OX: This month is the optimum time to get your finances in order at last, and you may even find something of a windfall in a forgotten detail. While not a life-changing sum, it will allow you to fund a particular project you have had on hold for a little bit too long now. Ox of the month: Heidi Klum, German Model, 1 June, 1973

TIGER: It’s time to take charge. You’ve allowed others to make their own mistakes for a few months, but a crunch point is coming and you can’t afford to fumble the ball. Initial resistance will fade away as a positive outcome becomes apparent. You can retire to the back benches by late summer. Tiger of the month: Juri Ueno, Japanese Actress, 25 May, 1986

RABBIT: Stay calm. It’s going to get emotional soon and you’ll be in the eye of this hurricane. Don’t be tempted to intervene too dramatically as a far lighter touch is called for. As all starts to settle, a new landscape will emerge. Things may never be quite the same again. Rabbit of the month: Julian Schnabel, American Painter, 26 October, 1951

DRAGON: A little self-analysis would help right now as a less-desirable aspect of your personality is too much in the ascendant. Your reputation may suffer if you don’t rein it in, precluding you from a particular opportunity that’s waiting in the wings. Dragon of the month Chan Kwong Beng, Malaysian badminton player, 2 June, 1988

SNAKE: You’re finding it hard to focus this month. A maelstrom of plans, concerns and emotions are jostling around. There’s no simple solution. You need to ride it out while some of the issues resolve themselves. Don’t intervene. In your current state of mind, any action could prove wholly counter-productive. Snake of the month: J.K. Rowling, British Novelist, 31 July, 1965

HORSE: People are relying on you this month, and this is no time to shirk your responsibilities. An appealing diversion must be resisted if you’re to deliver all that is expected. With head and heart set on different directions, you will need to be stoic and let your rational side prevail. Horse of the month: Jeon Hae-rim, South Korean Actress, 28 June, 1978

GOAT: Developments are on the cards for your love life this month. Something within will be reawakened and a familiar need will be rediscovered. This will disconcert many around you, with some never having seen this aspect of your personality. Tread carefully. Goat of the month: Attila Simon, Hungarian Footballer, 9 October, 1979

MONKEY: You’re having issues reconciling your aspirations with those of some family members. You’ve never been too adept at compromise but now is not the time to be too stubborn. Let them get their way and you may feel resentful. Equal disqualification all round is the answer. Monkey of the month: Kandyse McClure, South African Actress, 22 March, 1980

ROOSTER: Others want to pamper you this month. Just go with the flow. Someone close is feeling rather guilty about neglecting you and you must let them make peace with themselves. Enjoy the attention and support. You’ll be glad of this respite later when your energies are needed elsewhere. Rooster of the month: Parinya Charoenphol, Thai Boxer, 9 June, 1981

DOG: The chance of finally achieving a particular financial goal is now nearly in sight, although some obstacles still stand in the way. None of these are in anyway insurmountable, and a steady hand on the tiller should bring this project to an entirely satisfying conclusion. Dog of the month: Ben Ashkenazi, Australian Cricketer, 5 October, 1994

PIG: Creativity is required this month. Luckily, your imagination is in fine fettle. New solutions are needed and you are well positioned to deliver. Trust your judgment and don’t dismiss your more outré inclinations. If the answer isn’t obvious, maybe the question has yet to be properly defined. Pig of the month: Fruit Chan Gor, Hong Kong Filmmaker, 15 April, 1959

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