Heavenly Harmony: Gorgeous jade necklace shines at auction


Say what you like, but you can seldom accuse Christie’s Hong Kong of over-hyping forthcoming sales. Its recent Magnificent Jewels Autumn Auction, for instance, did exactly what it said on the tin, with a truly spectacular selection of precious stone-encrusted items – rings, bracelets, earrings – all going under the gavel.


Every event, of course, needs a star turn and this singular sale didn’t disappoint on that front either. Despite stiff competition from several fine items, the piece that definitely topped the “oohs” and “aahs” table was, by common consent, a necklace, one exquisitely fashioned from jadeite and spinel (a prized cousin of the more highly-regarded ruby).


Admiringly known as Heavenly Harmony – a tribute to its superlative blend of exotic jewels and expert pairing – this rare piece ultimately commanded a purchase price of HK$73.5 million, some $20 million more than any other lot on offer. Described as having “the most vivid green tone,” the necklace is formed from two different rough stones, but so artfully do they segue that it is all but impossible to determine quite where one begins and the other ends.
