Crowning Glory: Royal tiara stolen from museum


Atiara with 367 diamonds that’s valued at about US$1.3 million (HK$10 million) was stolen from a German museum recently. Thieves managed to nab the tiara from a locked cabinet in the throne room at Badisches Landesmuseum in the city of Karlsruhe. The tiara originally belonged to the Grand Duchess Hilda von Baden, who wore it to a reception celebrating the 80th birthday of the King of Sweden before passing it down to her niece. The duchess was married to Grand Duke Friedrich II, who ascended to the throne in 1907 and ruled over the territory of Baden. The museum believes the tiara was
made for Friedrich II’s coronation.

The nimble-fingered robbers managed to open the cabinet with “a suitable object”, leaving the cabinet intact, according to a museum spokesperson. Thieves seem to have a liking for German museums. The Big Maple Leaf, a 220-pound gold coin reportedly worth millions, was stolen from the Bode Museum in Berlin in March.The burglars apparently entered the museum through a window in the middle of the night and swiped the coin from its protective bulletproof glass. As of the end of July, German police were still looking for the masterminds behind both heists.


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