Not only does Ariel Yang serve as Executive Director for skin specialist company DS Regenerative Medicine, the accomplished multitasker is also prepping the next generation in the ways of artificial intelligence…

What were your early years like?
I could probably sum up my childhood self in four words: well-behaved, sensible, affectionate and filial. I was born in a really small town outside Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province, and I lived with a large extended family aside from my parents, so it was a really lovely, warm and supportive environment to grow up in.
Did you have any particular career aspirations as a child?
To be honest, I was always creative as a child, but my parents weren’t keen on me going down that track. Understandably, they wanted me to pursue something more traditionally acceptable in their eyes. One of my uncle was a postdoctoral fellow at Peking University, and my father – who was a teacher – was adamant that I followed in their footsteps, so back of my mind I always knew that a career in education was a significant possibility.
Is that the path you took initially?
Well, after graduating from high school, I enrolled at the Qianjiang College of Hangzhou Normal University to study tourism management. My first job right after receiving my degree was to teach at Zhejiang University’s Faculty of Science, followed by a stint in its School of Management. I guess you could say I ended up fulfilling my father’s wishes.

What spurred your move from Shanghai to Hong Kong in 2017?
After I left my teaching job, I moved to Shanghai and pursued something a little closer to my original interests – working as a designer for a Chinese jewellery business. By that time, Hong Kong was already renowned as an international centre for the industry, so I thought moving here would be good for my career. On top of that, the city’s status as a leading financial and cultural hub was very attractive to me. I felt I could meet talented individuals and have a much more multicultural experience, so I packed my bags and left Shanghai for Hong Kong.
“I felt I could meet talented individuals [in Hong Kong] and have a much more multicultural experience”
How did you become involved in the business of skin health?
I guess my husband can take some of the credit here as he was the one who got me thinking about investing in a company. I first met him, through a student of mine, long ago during my early teaching years and we stayed in touch. We just happened to reconnect romantically around the time I came to Hong Kong – he’d moved here just before me. As he was in the business of investing, I picked up some tips and tricks of the trade from him.
So, when the opportunity arose to invest in DS Regenerative Medicine prior to its listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2017, this budding interest paired with my lifelong passion for beauty and skincare meant I absolutely jumped at the chance. It was a great decision, and as a company we’ve gone from strength to strength.
What exactly does DS Regenerative Medicine specialise in?
Basically, we’re a group of skin specialists who place emphasis on regenerative medicine. Perhaps our strongest service is treating certain forms of skin cancer. In particular, we use a specialised procedure called Mohs Micrographic Surgery. With carcinomas, early detection is vital; most people don’t really pay attention to spots when they appear, but it’s critical to get any skin abnormalities checked out right away. The next step is to treat them immediately. Post-surgical care is equally important, and our dermatologists are skilled in ensuring that there’s minimal evidence afterwards that the patient has had skin cancer – especially when such blemishes occur on the face.
Aside from cancers, our medical experts and regenerative skincare doctors are adept at treating a wide-ranging array of skin conditions, be it itchy, flaky skin, alopecia or eczema. We also specialise in medical imaging, from CT scans to MRIs. Finally, there’s our in-house DS Skin & Wellness Clinic skincare line, which has been specially developed by our dermatologists and chemists to help achieve and maintain healthy skin.

Rings by Van Cleef & Arpels
Where did the company originate?
It started as a dermatological clinic in Singapore back in 2005, and today, it’s the largest private practice skin clinic in the city, with five locations as well as an outpost in Kuala Lumpur. We decided to launch operations in Hong Kong as we wanted to take advantage of the city’s unique location as a global hub, as well as a potential springboard into China. In fact, we’re launching two new dermatological centres across the border this month – one in Shenzhen and another in Hangzhou.
One of the company’s sub-brands is QR Skin & Laser Centre. This is a regenerative medical centre focused on the skin, with branches in Central – where we are meeting today – and Kowloon Bay.
How has the ongoing pandemic affected your business?
I think I can say that two years of Covid has negatively impacted everyone in the world, and we’re no different. Obviously, we’ve been hit in terms of patient traffic, and we’ve also had to slow down our expansion. Having said that, I’m still optimistic. Not only do we have the medical know-how, but our staff are resilient at heart, so we’ll move forward one step at a time towards the day when everything improves. Hopefully, soon!

Dress by Alexander McQueen; The Kelly bag by Hermès; Boots by AAR Boutique
Aside from DS, are there any other projects you’re involved with?
Absolutely. Last year, I started a new youth education venture to raise awareness about artificial intelligence. The idea sparked from my own experience as a teacher, and being involved in this new project allows me to go back to my roots in education. Our company currently helps more than 200 primary and secondary schools across Hong Kong, training them to develop requisite skills within this sphere. We also host activities to increase awareness and encourage development, be it annual competitions or even international conferences. I believe it’s something that fills an unmet need, and that’s very meaningful to me.
How do you relax when you have time?
I love hiking as I find it helps me clear my head, but my favourite self-pampering activity is having a massage – full-body ones that just knead and roll away any tension I might be feeling.
If you could go back and meet anyone from your past, who would it be and why?Honestly, I’m someone who lives firmly in the moment, so I don’t believe in looking back. I’m the person I am today because of the decisions I’ve made and people I’ve met along the way.

What’s the most interesting thing that has ever happened to you?
That’s a tough question. I have a bad memory, so it’s difficult to pinpoint any particular outstanding moments. I will say, though, that having my son and watching him grow up is the funniest, strangest and warmest thing to happen to me. He’s four now, and seeing the world through his eyes and discovering his likes and dislikes are, for me, the most interesting moments ever.
“I’m someone who lives firmly in the moment, so I don’t believe in looking back”
Finally, tell us a secret about yourself.
Hmm… well, I touched upon this earlier, that I’ve always had a huge creative side. I love the arts and love performing. In fact, as a child, my teacher also said I had a talent for painting. However, ultimately, my parents managed to turn my interests elsewhere, and I have no regrets. Occasionally, though, I do wonder what might have been if I’d followed that passion. I’d probably have been another person entirely! Perhaps one day I’ll translate my love of art into a new business opportunity…
Thank you.