Stretch Master: PURE Group’s Almen Wong on yoga’s myriad benefits

Stretch Master PURE Group's Almen Wong on yoga's myriad benefits Gafencu Magazine People Interview Feature Image

Once a stalwart of Hong Kong’s film and fashion scenes, Almen Wong, co-founder of PURE Group, found a new calling as a yoga instructor and ambassador…

Stretch Master PURE Group's Almen Wong on yoga's myriad benefits Gafencu Magazine People Interview Feature Image (3)

You’re a veteran of Hong Kong’s fashion and movie scene. How did that happen and was that always what you aspired to do?
Actually, I never had any plans to join either industry. I was already working in the garment industry and merchandising business when it all happened by chance. Growing up, I was an absolute tomboy, so I enrolled into a modelling course to learn to be more feminine. Once I finished that, I placed my CV with a few agencies, and I ended up being called for a casting with Elle Magazine. I landed the job, and after that very first fashion shoot, the fashion editor took a shine to me and I wound up signing several jobs with them.  
I never thought I could make it a full career, but I continued for about seven or eight years. I also landed my first movie role then, and I went on to work with other amazing actors and directors after that.

Stretch Master PURE Group's Almen Wong on yoga's myriad benefits Gafencu Magazine People Interview

Is there any shoot that remains close to your heart?
Honestly there are so many, but the one that made the biggest impression on me was that first shoot for ELLE Magazine. I didn’t know what was expected for me, it started at 6am in the middle of summer and we were shooting heavy fall and winter apparel for the upcoming season. It was such an effortless process, though, and an entirely new experience for me.

Stretch Master PURE Group's Almen Wong on yoga's myriad benefits Gafencu Magazine People Interview Feature Image (2)

What drew you to yoga then?
I’ve always been a very active person. I love exercising and exploring new sports to spice up my fitness routine. Yoga was one of those things that I tried out for fun, and I just fell in love with it. The interesting thing is that although I was pretty proficient with other sports, I really struggled with this. I could only do about 60 percent of the poses, and it was quite a shock to me. I kept going back and trying it repeatedly because the challenge of mastering the stretches was very enticing.

“Yoga was one of those things that I tried out for fun, and I just fell in love with it”

What then led you to co-found PURE Group?
It was always in the back of my mind that after my modelling and movie career, I wanted to have my own gym or fitness centre. So, it was quite a coincidence when Colin, who is now the CEO of PURE Group, approached me to start a fitness and yoga studio in Hong Kong. This was actually what led me to start yoga teacher training, firstly because we struggled to find properly qualified teachers locally, and also because I wanted to better understand what was to become a core aspect of our business. 

Stretch Master PURE Group's Almen Wong on yoga's myriad benefits Gafencu Magazine People Interview Feature Image (7)

Can you share three ways that yoga can help a person’s wellbeing?
Yoga helps to improve our flexibility, strength and balance. Through the asana practice, which is the yoga posture practice, you stretch your bones and ligaments, while also stretching your internal organs. All this helps to keep the body healthy and generate blood flow to place where you normally wouldn’t reach. It’s really good for overall wellbeing.
Hong Kong is a particularly fast-paced, stressful city to live in, and it’s important to keep exercising to boost your immune system and mental wellness. Yoga is a great way to achieve all this.

Stretch Master PURE Group's Almen Wong on yoga's myriad benefits Gafencu Magazine People Interview Feature Image (4)

How has Hong Kong’s perception of yoga evolved over time?
In the past, not that many people knew about yoga. But ever since PURE Group introduced it to Asian countries – and Hong Kong in particular – they have started coming to practice and experience the benefits of yoga through their own bodies. They’ve realised it’s not just a bunch of stretching exercises, but also a means of boosting muscle strength and mental health as well.
When we started our first yoga studio about 18 years ago, we probably had classes of just 20 people. That grew to 50 students, and then we branched out into different locations… Now, we’ve expanded to 40 branches across Asia, which is fantastic. We still want to continue to foster a better and broader awareness of yoga, though, and help people understand it’s a great fitness tool for everyone, no matter their background.

Stretch Master PURE Group's Almen Wong on yoga's myriad benefits Gafencu Magazine People Interview Feature Image (5)

How does Hong Kong’s yoga scene compare to its international counterparts?
Hong Kong is such an international city. We actually react to many new trends extremely quickly, be it fashion, make-up or fitness. We were one of the first cities to accept yoga and locals here actually incorporated this practice into their daily lives quite early on, so we’re very similar to the developed markets in Western countries.

 “Online yoga classes at PURE have surged in popularity with the onset of Covid-19”

What does an average day for you look like now versus pre-Covid times?
Before the coronavirus pandemic, I was pretty much wholly involved with studio classes, interspersed with occasional video shoots as online tutorials for our students. Covid-19’s arrival, though, heralded lockdowns and closures, but there’s a saying that when a door closes, a window opens, and that really applies to PURE and my work.
Nowadays, my daily routine is equally split between studio and online classes. We had already started setting up a digital platform to provide an additional means for our students to practice yoga, but now we’ve really ramped that up with multiple digital lessons each day. It really is the best way to reach students who prefer to practice at home, or cannot attend session in person due to various reasons. These online classes have become super popular, and we’re looking to expand our programmes in the near future!

Stretch Master PURE Group's Almen Wong on yoga's myriad benefits Gafencu Magazine People Interview Feature Image (6)

Other than yoga, what other hobbies do you like to indulge in?
I love doing outdoor activities with my husband and kids, particularly hiking and water sports. I actually just did some stand-up paddle boarding yesterday with my husband. Mountain biking is also another hobby, though I tend to do that abroad as Hong Kong’s trails are slightly more advanced than my current capabilities…

Finally, if you could meet one person, past or present, who would it be and why?
I’ve been spending more time with my mum recently since her house is currently being renovated, and where I live in the Mid-Levels is actually where my mother had her first job. She was born during the ’30s when Hong Kong was really experiencing difficult times, and at the tender age of 12, she was already working as a nanny. I want to travel back to meet her at that point, and to tell my mum to hang in there, and that she will eventually have a great life with four daughters who will spoil her rotten.

Thank you.


Interview by: Tenzing Thondup
Photos: Jack Law
Fashion Styling & Art Direction: Jhoshwa Ledesma
Venue: Marvellous Suite, W Hong Kong
Wardrobe: Versace, Giuseppe Zanotti, Dolce & Gabbana