This video will boost your show jumping knowledge for the Longines Masters

Equestrian lovers are in for a treat when the Longines Masters 2017 comes to Hong Kong next month.

The event is an integral part of Hong Kong’s social calendar and it attracts just as many horse lovers as it does newbies to the show jumping world.

For first-timers, and people who have been lying about their equestrian knowledge, a video by Longines, “6 things you need to know about Show Jumping, presented by Noelle Floyd”, is exactly what you need to watch before the event.

The video will teach you about the preparation, the warm-up, the track, rules and regulations (very important), the jump off and the best time wins.

Visitors to the Longines Masters can watch speed races, dressage demonstrations, a polo cup and show jumping contests.

The Longines Masters also has the Prestige Village where guests can enjoy live music, prominent contemporary art and watch the riders and horses practice before the events.

Make sure to watch the video before the show jumping event on 10-12 February at AsiaWorld-Expo.

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