Explorer to travel pole to pole in 2 years

If you think you have a tough commute or you’re not relishing travelling home for the holidays, just think about Mike Horn, who is spending the next two years circumnavigating the globe through land and sea, passing through the two poles.

Mike is currently at Antarctica and he will cross the South Pole on skis, which sort of makes you feel bad for complaining about travelling across Hong Kong!

Mike set off from the Yacht Club of Monaco in May on his boat, Pangaea. He then headed south to Namibia, Botswana, South Africa and then on to Antarctica, which he will cross on skis via the South Pole.

During Mike’s journey he will be wearing a Panerai watch with the catchy name, the Luminor Submersible 1950 3 Days GMT Automatic Titanio – 47mm (PAM00719).

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